Payroll and social security II
Provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to prepare payroll in the different cases that may occur in the company as well as the preparation of the corresponding social insurance, knowing the main aspects of hiring, suspension and termination of the employment relationship as well as the benefits of social security.
Who is the public target?
The course is aimed primarily at workers or freelancers.
Access requirements
(CAT) Per accedir a la formació s’ha de complir com a mínim algun dels següents requisits:
– Certificat de professionalitat nivell 1.
– Títol Professional Bàsic (FP Bàsica)
– Títol de Graduat en Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) o equivalent.
– Títol de Tècnic (FP Grau Mitjà) o equivalent.
– Certificat de Professionalitat de nivell 2.
– Haver superat la prova d’accés a cicles formatius de grau mitjà.
-Haver superat qualsevol prova oficial d’accés a la Universitat.
Les persones que no compleixin amb els requisits esmentats o no tinguin la titulació homologada, hauran de superar una prova d’accés.
1. Labor management.
2. General regime of social security.
3. Registration of the company in social security. mutual employers. compulsory books.
4. The special regime for self-employed workers.
5. Mandatory books.
6. The work calendar.
7. The hiring of workers.
8. Framing and affiliation to social security. ups and downs.
9. Suspension of the contractual relationship.
10. The worker’s file.
11. Bonus contracts.
12. Elements of the social security contribution: regulatory regulations, contribution bases, type of contribution.
13. Liquidations.
14. The termination of the employment relationship: definition of criteria, Classification, Types and effects, Settlement and settlement
15. Main Benefits of the Social Security System.
16. Computer applications for personnel management.
At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia certification is obtained which accredits the specific competences acquired in this training.